The Court’s 277-page opinion is here. Given the court’s findings of no unconstitutional purpose on the part of Secretary Ross, it is not clear to me if this moots issues in the portion of this case being argued next month at the Supreme Court.Source: Breaking : Federal District Court Holds that Adding Census Question to Citizenship Violates Administrative Procedure Act,...

Today, Common Cause released a new report on the many ways presidential candidates bend and break campaign finance laws as they barnstorm early primary states, fundraise, evade contributions limits, and build their campaign teams while denying they are running for office.Source: New “Testing the Waters” Report Examines How Presidential Candidates Ignore Campaign Finance Laws & Regulators Let Them...

Over the past year, many pundits and media outlets have speculated about the role of money in the 2018 midterm elections. Much of that commentary predicted an avalanche of spending with disastrous effects. But did the rhetoric match the results?Source: Money Doesn’t Buy Elections, “Dark Money” Keeps Falling, and Other Lessons from the 2018 Midterms...

As new members of Congress start the business of legislating, many of the freshmen have started to look to advance their careers with the creation of leadership PACs, including liberal rock starsRep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).Source: Ocasio-Cortez, Romney, Omar among prominent freshmen to launch leadership PACs...

Once upon a time, there was a fringe news outlet with a loud and dissenting opinion. A fatal shooting, it claimed, was not at all what it seemed to be: It was a hoax, orchestrated by some shadowy force—probably Communists—bent on replacing freedom with dictatorship.Source: Win or Lose, the Alex Jones Lawsuit Will Redefine Free Speech...

In a 50-page opinion and order issued today, a Maryland federal court ruled in favor of a coalition of Maryland and Washington, D.C.-based news organizations on their challenge to a Maryland law that would have placed significant burdens on publishers of online political advertisements.Source: Ballard Spahr: MD and DC News Organizations Win Challenge To Online Political Ad Law...