And Beto makes 18. As of mid-March 2019, eighteen candidates have joined the 2020 presidential race, including President Trump himself. Any of these eighteen individuals or their supporters could set up PACs and super PACs to raise money to get their preferred candidate to the Oval Office.Source: Beware of Scam PACs in This Crowded Presidential Field...

The California Senate Elections Committee will hear SB 505 on Tuesday morning, April 2. This is the bill that sets out detailed rules on how candidates get on presidential primary ballots.Source: California Senate Elections Committee Sets Hearing Date for Bill on Presidential Primary Ballot Access...

A new bill introduced in California by Assemblyman James Gallagher, R - Yuba City, would increase transparency into campaign finance records at the local level by requiring local election officials to post campaign finance records online within 48 hours of filing deadlines.Source: MapLight President Testifies in Favor of Bill to Increase Local Campaign Finance Transparency...

Ever since their drubbing in California’s congressional races in the fall, national Republicans have raised questions about a new state law that allows campaigns to collect mail ballots directly from voters, suggesting such “harvesting” could lead to fraud.Source: ‘We got our clocks cleaned’: GOP quietly works to expand ballot harvesting in California while criticizing Democrats for the practice...