Federal government agencies are investigating alleged campaign finance misconduct by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's former chief of staff, who abruptly resigned on Friday, according to the New York Post.Source: Former AOC chief of staff under investigation for alleged campaign finance misconduct...

(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) The Center and Responsive Politics and the Campaign Legal Center have filed a petition with the Federal Election Commission to require full, transparent financial reporting of the millions of dollars that pass through national political parties’ special-purpose bankSource: CRP, Campaign Legal Center file petition to illuminate party ‘cromnibus’ accounts...

President Trump will be ineligible for California’s primary ballot next year unless he discloses his tax returns under a state law that immediately took effect Tuesday, an unprecedented mandate that is almost certain to spark a high-profile court fight and might encourage other states to adopt theSource: Trump’s tax returns required under new California election law...

On July 29, the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion in Davis v Guam, 17-15719. The issue was whether Guam could hold a plebiscite and limit the voting to individuals who are descendants of people who were living in Guam in 1898, the year control passed from Spain to the United States.Source: Ninth Circuit Agrees with U.S. District Court that Guam...