In a ruling that kicks at the foundation of how America chooses presidents, a federal appeals court on Tuesday said members of the Electoral College, who cast the actual votes for president, may choose whomever they please regardless of a state’s popular vote.Source: Electoral College Members Can Defy Voters’ Wishes, Court Rules...

WASHINGTON A conservative group is increasing pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to put election security legislation up for a vote in the Senate by airing ads that target the Kentucky Republican and four other Republican senators in their home states.Source: Republicans use McConnell allies to try and force his hand on election security...

(CN) – The First Amendment doesn’t prevent Montana from requiring a gun-rights group to register as a political action committee before mailing fliers to voters that detail candidates’ positions on the Second Amendment, the Ninth Circuit ruled Monday. National Association for Gun Rights Inc.Source: Gun Rights Group’s Challenge of Montana Electioneering Mandate Rejected...