(Reuters) - The Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a libertarian nonprofit founded by Charles and David Koch, filed a petition this week at the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the justices to review a 2018 ruling by the 9th U.S.Source: Koch-founded charity asks for Supreme Court help to keep donor list secret...

By Staff Writer Aug. 28, 2019 2:55 PM New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand dropped out of the 2020 race for president on Wednesday after failing to qualify for the next Democratic debate.“I know this isn’t the result that we wanted,” Gillibrand said in a video she posted on Twitter.Source: Now there are 20: Kirsten Gillibrand drops out of the Democratic...

Alexandria, VA – The largest state in the country has the nation’s lowest limits on donations to statewide candidates. In an amicus brief filed yesterday, the Institute for Free Speech asked the Supreme Court to hear a case challenging those limits as unconstitutional under the First Amendment.Source: Amicus Brief: Supreme Court Should Hear Alaska Contribution Limits Case...