The American Civil Liberties Union went to federal court Tuesday seeking to overturn a measure that would require political action organizations that accept so-called “dark money” in New Jersey to disclose their donors. In a lawsuit filed in U.S.Source: ACLU files suit in favor of ‘dark money,’ says donors should be able to give money anonymously...

Reformers hoping to rein in partisan gerrymandering have a big idea that’s caught on in several states: handing the redistricting power over to an independent commission, rather than politicians in the legislature, as Michigan’s electorate voted to do last year.Source: Michigan has a smart idea for fixing gerrymandering. Conservatives want to crush it....

The Treasury Department and IRS on Friday issued proposed rules to reduce donor disclosure requirements for certain tax-exempt groups after a federal judge set aside guidance the agencies had previously released on the topic because it hadn’t gone through a notice and comment period.Source: IRS issues proposed rules to reduce donor disclosure requirements following court ruling...

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who is accused of improperly using political campaign funds to reimburse her alleged lover for travel expenses, doesn’t need to worry for now about a complaint filed against her with the Federal Election Commission.Source: Hans von Spakovsky: Ilhan Omar protected – for now – against accusations of campaign finance law violations...