On October 23, the California Secretary of State said that a proposed initiative is now free to start circulating. It would provide that all state and local initiative, referendum, and recall petitions would be on-line at the Secretary of State’s web page.Source: Proposed California Initiative, Providing for On-Line Petitioning, Begins to Circulate...

One of my colleagues on the Federal Election Commission has been having a field day. This year’s chair, Ellen Weintraub, has attracted considerable attention thanks to the FEC’s important role in regulating and enforcing federal campaign finance law, which is a hot topic right now.Source: How My FEC Colleague Is Damaging the Agency and Misleading the Public...

The U.S. Supreme Court has docketed Colorado Department of State v Baca, one of the two pending lawsuits over whether presidential electors are free to vote for anyone who meets the constitutional qualifications. It is case 19-518. The cert petition was filed by the state last week.Source: U.S. Supreme Court Dockets the Colorado “Faithless Electors” Case...

A BuzzFeed News examination found that in the first half of October, the social network has canned more than 160 ads from Biden, Warren, Sanders, Steyer, and Trump for breaking rules around profanity and fake buttons.Source: Facebook Said Politicians Can Lie In Ads. It's Taking Down Ads From Warren, Biden, And Trump For Other Reasons....

Video The top Republican on the House Committee on House Administration the Federal Election Commission's (FEC) inspector general on Thursday to investigate the agency’s leader for allegedly using her position to publicly disparage President Trump, including making multiple media appearances inSource: GOP lawmaker requests FEC watchdog investigate chair's 'political' statements...