Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) has collected a number of supporters for her bill banning microtargeted political ads. “Political speech is critical to democratic discourse, but organized disinformation and organic misinformation use microtargeting and prevent ideas from being debated in the open.Source: Bill Banning Microtargeted Political...

YouTube’s controversial “hate speech” and “harassment” rules have greatly restricted what users are allowed to say on the platform by dishing out harsh punishments for jokes, criticism, and other types of language that YouTube decides has gone “too far.Source: YouTube CEO: We’ll remove “hate speech”...

President Donald Trump first nominated Texas election law attorney Trey Trainor to the Federal Election Commission in September 2017. Then, Trainor waited. Days turned to months, months into years. Trump kept re-nominating Trainor. The U.S. Senate kept ignoring Trainor’s nomination.Source: Blog...