Congress has provided that certain kinds of election law cases must be handled by 3-judge U.S. District Courts. That includes cases involving redistricting. In 2017, a lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Sacramento over the huge population of California legislative districts.Source: Plaintiffs in...

A new super PAC connected to a network of nonpartisan political action committees put roughly $146,000 behind Democratic House candidates this week ahead of competitive primary elections later this month.  Progress Tomorrow, Inc.Source: Super PAC behind spending in Minnesota and Florida primaries linked to nonpartisan...

They covered their tracks, using software to camouflage their internet traffic. They created Facebook pages for anti-Trump culture warriors, Hispanic activists and fans of alternative medicine. And they organized protests in coordination with real-world political groups.Source: Facebook Grapples With a Maturing Adversary in Election Meddling...