For the past few decades, presidential elections have been dominated by voters of the Baby Boom and previous generations, who are estimated to have cast a majority of the votes. But their election reign may end this November, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of census data.Source: This may be the last presidential election dominated by Boomers and...

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Cali.) agreed Thursday to reimburse his campaign account $49,000 after spending on everything from oral surgery to a garage door to fast food, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.Source: Congressman will repay $49,000 after spending campaign money on garage door, Disneyland, 16 trips to Jack in the Box...

Recently, the Washington Post, Yahoo News, Time, the Columbia Journal Review and a host of other news organizations reported on a Center for Public Integrity study detailing the federal campaign-finance filings of journalists, reporters, news editors, television news anchors and other donors workingSource: Presidential Pollsters’ Political Contributions: Heavily For Hillary Clinton...