A bipartisan group of congressional members and candidates is filing a federal suit Friday against the Federal Election Commission, seeking to force the agency to act on a complaint it brought against 10 super PACs in July. The maneuver is part of a legal strategy aimed at rolling back SpeechNow.Source: Legal team seeking to undo super PACs files suit to...

OLYMPIA — In a historic decision, a Thurston County Superior Court judge today ordered the Grocery Manufacturers Association to pay $18 million in penalties and punitive damages, after Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit revealed GMA intentionally violated Washington campaign finance laws.Source: AG: Grocery Manufacturers Assoc. to pay $18M, largest campaign finance penalty in US history...

Many K Street leaders view social media and digital advocacy, not traditional lobbying, as the fastest-growing segments of the influence industry, according to a recent survey of Washington lobbyists, lawyers, association executives and think tank leaders.Source: K Street says social media are growing faster than traditional lobbying as way to influence Washington...

Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda C. Snipes agreed Wednesday evening to alter the way her office has gone about reviewing and opening tens of thousands of mail-in ballots after her methods were challenged by the Republican Party of Florida.Source: Broward elections supervisor resolves Republicans’ challenge over mail-in ballots...

Remember these characters in American political history? As the presidential campaign between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton winds down, we’ve weathered more than a year of insults, accusations of lying, charges of sexual assault, and allegations of financial impropriety surrounding both canSource: The 8 Greatest Political Money Scandals in American History...