If the polls closed right at this moment (which they won't) and if the results in each state perfectly mirrored the current RealClearPolitics average of polls in each state (which they won't), Hillary Clinton would be elected president by an electoral college margin of 8 votes.Source: Donald Trump has never been closer to the presidency than he is at this...

Federal Election Commissioner Ann Ravel wished to step down until she met with President Barack Obama in early 2016, who persuaded her to stay on board through the November election in return for two favors, a senior federal government official has told The Daily Caller.Source: EXCLUSIVE: Senior Gov. Official Says Obama Made Quid Pro Quo Deal With FEC Commissioner...

This is it. The end is finally nigh…well at least (we hope) for the 2016 election cycle.Although millions of voters have already cast their ballots either through early voting, absentee voting or vote-by-mail, millions more will head to the polls on November 8 and cast their ballot for the 45th president of the United States as well as countless other...

Under Pennsylvania law, poll watchers must be from the same county in which they are registered to vote. Republicans failed to change that law in the legislature, and the PA Republican party filed a federal lawsuit seeking to make the change.Source: Breaking: Federal Court Rejects PA GOP Efforts to Send Poll Watchers to Different Counties to Look for Voter Fraud...