The Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon G. Adelson is shifting tens of millions of dollars into groups backing congressional Republicans despite months of entreaties from allies of Donald J. Trump, according to several Republicans with knowledge of Mr. Adelson’s giving, dealing a major setback to Mr.Source: Sheldon Adelson Focuses on Congressional Races, Despite Donald Trump’s Pleas...

"The cases where we've had disagreements are based on a disagreement over what the law requires and prohibits, and there have been a number of court cases which have redefined the landscape in many significant ways," Petersen said. He did not deny voting as a bloc but disagreed the FEC was letting potential violators off the hook. “There's no signaling...

CREW argued that American Action Network and Americans for Job Security had violated federal campaign finance law and should be forced to disclose their donors. The court’s decision has the potential to stymie the avalanche of untraceable cash spent by Republican and Democratic donors during election years. “I think it's very significant,” said Larry Noble, general counsel of the non-partisan...

In early 2011, the Florida legislature passed HB 1355, which said that ballot-qualified parties could not place their presidential nominee on the ballot unless the FEC recognized that party as a “national committee”, or unless the party submitted a petition signed by 1% of the number of registeSource: Why the Florida Law, Requiring Qualified Parties to be Recognized by the...