A coalition of civil rights groups, Democratic lawyers and the Obama administration has scored significant victories in overturning strict voting laws, highlighting how the death of Justice Antonin Scalia has removed the Supreme Court as a crucial conservative backstop for such measures.Source: Without conservative Supreme Court majority, voter-law challengers make gains...

Trump’s repeated claims that his defeat would only result from voter fraud may fuel doubts over election legitimacy and motivate supporters to surveil polls Donald Trump’s claims that if he loses in November it will be due to a “rigged” election have sparked strong bipartisan criticiSource: Trump's 'rigged election' rhetoric could inspire voter intimidation, say experts...

If you had any doubt whether or not Obama’s politicized DOJ was deliberately targeting conservative elected officials, this should confirm your suspicions. The US Supreme Court overturned a convictionin June against former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell for bribery.Source: DOJ to Unbelievably Refile Charges Against Bob McDonnell After SCOTUS Unanimous Exoneration...

Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.Source: Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general...