In a terrific new piece by The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe detailing Ted Cruz's multiple-ballot strategy at this summer's Republican National Convention, there is a startling acknowledgment by Donald Trump's chief strategist, Paul Manafort.Source: Donald Trump’s campaign just acknowledged something very important about his convention chances...

The night Donald Trump notched his first win as a presidential candidate, he took the stage in New Hampshire between Ivanka and Melania and lit into the special interests that he declared had corrupted Washington — the company town that Trump, marketer extraordinaire, has ruthlessly trashed toSource: Trump’s own Beltway establishment guy: The curious journey of Don McGahn...

Imagine this: Donald Trump wooing delegates with rides on his gold-accoutered private jet. A wealthy Ted Cruz supporter wining and dining them at the Cleveland convention. Welcome bags stocked with expensive swag awaiting party activists in their hotel rooms, courtesy of a well-funded super PAC.Source: How far can campaigns go to win support from a Republican delegate?...